Cataract Surgery
and Premium Lenses

Natural aging of the eye usually involves developing a cataract at some point in life.

Cataract surgery has evolved over the years to become one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the world, having been shown to significantly improve quality of life.

Cataract surgery in Manchester

What is Cataract Surgery?

Modern techniques allow cataracts to be removed through a small 2–3-millimetre wound, which can be closed, in most cases, without stitches. Intraocular lenses can be inserted through the same small wound to replace the natural lens of the eye. We undertake complex cataract surgery with excellent outcomes, and will work with you to find the best approach to improve your vision.

Visual Correction with Premium Intraocular Lenses

Modern cataract surgery allows the opportunity to reduce the need for spectacles after surgery. In addition to standard cataract lens implants, we strive to provide options that can significantly reduce the requirement for spectacles, with the use of premium intraocular lenses, which allow patients to see well into the distance, and also for near and intermediate visual tasks.

This includes the use of toric intraocular lenses to significantly improve vision in patients that have astigmatism, which is often referred to as an uneven cornea, that is more rugby ball-shaped, as opposed to football-shaped.

We also offer a range of premium lens treatments, including multifocal and extended depth of focus lenses, providing a range of good vision over all distances.

These are tailored towards an individual’s needs and can be discussed in detail at your appointment. Not all people are suitable for every kind of lens and thorough consultation and testing is required to determine your suitability.